3 Easy Things You Can Do To Feel Better
Life is too long to spend feeling miserable, and too short to waste a minute of. Pain, digestive issues, lack of energy…they all affect your mood, weight, and every little detail of your life, from the simplest daily activities to spending time with friends and family. What are you missing out on? What would you do if you felt good again?
The secret is balance. A balanced lifestyle, a balanced diet, a balanced body. You didn’t get out of balance overnight, so expect that getting back in balance will take some time as well. While there is no easy button to push, here are three things that you can do to give you some quick results while you work on healing.
- Hydrate. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water daily, add a pinch of sea salt for some trace minerals and electrolytes as well. One thing water does is keep joints lubricated. I had knee pain so bad that I could hardly walk up the stairs, and I avoided kneeling down to do anything if I could help it because it was so painful. I had to have my girls get pans out of the lower cupboard just so I could cook dinner. It took less than 24 hours for my knees to stop hurting after I started drinking enough water. I always drink water, and thought I was drinking enough, but I was wrong. What else happens when you don’t drink enough water? Click here and watch the video on this page.
- Reduce inflammation and relieve pain with products that contain CBD, turmeric, frankincense, omega-3 fatty acids. My husband’s hands were starting to hurt, I picked up a supplement that contained these and within a few days he said he was feeling better. I can’t find the same one to show you on Amazon, it’s from this company though, and this product looks like it has everything but the CBD in it…it also costs less that with the CBD.
- Restore gut health. Our gut is our first line of defense for our immune system, and in my opinion, poor gut health is responsible for most chronic health conditions. Junk foods, gmo’s, lectins, gluten, and the list goes on lead to inflammation and leaky gut, which spirals out to autoimmune issues, inflammation in the rest of our body, allergies, and again, the list goes on. It’s too much to dive into here. Pain relievers mask the symptoms temporarily, but they aren’t good long term and they don’t get to the root of the problem and actually fix it. Boost your antioxidants to help fight inflammation, take an enzyme supplement before meals, and find something like Dr. Gundry’s Total Restore to help rebuild your gut lining, I felt better using it. In fact, if you’re interested, I recommend watching some of his videos that go deeper into gut health and how foods can affect it. Also, try to avoid foods that cause problems.
Those are my top three recommendations for a quick start to healing. Get started on your healing journey with a free Self Health Evaluation report, just message me on FB, http://fb.me/msg/debbie.briscoeschulte, or text me at (775) 298-1597 and I’ll get that to you, no email list to join. It’s quick and insightful, and you’ll know where to focus your efforts on healing.